All items are as described. The descriptions and pictures show all important features without omissions (damage, recent spare parts etc.). If it turns out that we have made a mistake and your purchase is not true to depiction on this website, you get a full refund.
If you do not like your purchase, you can return it within 14 days of arrival. You will get a refund on the item price. Shipping and banking fees will be at your expense.
Everything we offer on this site complies with German law. Compliance with the law in your country is your responsibility. If in doubt, contact your customs office before buying something that might be held up in customs upon import.
All firearms and cannon are sold as antique artifacts and are not meant for use. The term “fireable” in our descriptions relates exclusively to design, not usability. We accept no responsibility for any damage caused by firing these old things.
We are not professional dealers and usually do not issue receipts. If you want one, please notify us.